Photos & Events


Friday activities with Miss Grace

Friday activities with Miss Grace


Planting vegetable seeds

Planting vegetable seeds


Football Shirt Friday

Today we all came to school in our football shirts to help raise money for the Bobby Moore Charity fund. Look at all the different teams that were represented. Can you spot the Kevin De Bruyne lookalike?


Year 5 Trip to Gilwell Park

Year 5 had a fantastic week at Gilwell Park learning lots of new skills in some amazing activities!


Holy Communion

Pictures from our Mass to celebrate our Y3 pupils’ First Holy Communion.


Science Week

Super Science at St Theresa’s! Pupils, staff and parents enjoyed a fantastic week of Science related activities for British Science week…


KS1 Lenten Liturgy

Year 1 and Year 2 joined together in the hall to reflect on the season of Lent, how Jesus gave his life for us and how we are preparing to celebrate Easter.


Snow Day

The children (and staff!) at St Theresa’s had great fun in the playground experiencing the snow! We were glad to get back into the warmth of our classrooms afterwards and enjoyed watching it fall outside the windows! The playground was a beautiful blanket of white by the end of the day!


Number Day

This year the children at St Theresa’s joined schools across the UK in a Maths inspired fund raising day for the NSPCC. Pupils enjoyed problem solving, number games and puzzles and cross curricular maths on this fun day whilst raising money for a worthwhile cause!


International Food Day

Today the children got to sample foods from different countries on our lunch menu!