Year 2

Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ information for Year 2: year-2-curriculum-talk-autumn-2023

Here is the Long Term Plans for Year 2: Long term plan Year 2

Here is the PowerPoint from our recent meeting regarding phonics testing and the year 2 SAT tests: St.-Theresas-Year-2-SATs-meeting-

Please see the following for the end of year expectations for Year 2:

Year 2 Maths expected standard

Year 2 Maths greater depth

Year 2 Reading at Expected Standard

Year 2 Reading at Greater Depth

Year 2 Writing Working at Expected Standard

Year 2 Writing Working at Greater Depth

Here are the maths targets the Year 2 children are looking at completing in their ‘Maths Passports’: Maths Year 2 Targets

Useful Websites for Home Learning

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling Shed

MC Grammar Songs

Read Theory

Oxford Owl – Free ebooks


Teach Your Monster How To Read

Phonics Play

Daily Phonics

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Summer 2

This project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby, in Yorkshire. For full curriculum coverage see curriculum map attached. 

Y2 Summer 2 Coastline


Summer 1 

Tiptoe through the tulips as your senses discover the blooming foliage and enchanting fragrances of flowers and herbs. Round and round the mulberry bush we go, planting bulbs and seeds, and then watch them grow beneath sunshine and showers. Explore the astounding world of the scented garden, but be careful, there are some wild and dangerous plants out there that do astonishing things. Don’t touch them. Use the marvellous properties of plants, flowers and herbs to make an exceptional gift for somebody special. Everything is coming up roses. Why not grow your own?

The Scented Garden Summer 1 2024 Year 2

Spring 2 

Magnificent Monarchs! This project teaches children about the English and British monarchy from AD 871 to the present day. Using timelines, information about royal palaces, portraits and other historical sources, they build up an understanding of the monarchs and then research six of the most significant sovereigns.

Y2 Spring 2 2024 Magnificent Monarchs

Spring 1 

See the castle ahead? Get ready to invade its mighty walls. Shoot a projectile with an archer’s aim. Head across the drawbridge, over the moat and up to the top of the tower. Meet Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower. Let’s build a brand new one. Whose is the tallest? Can you measure it? Then dig deep, deep down, making burrows and tunnels, just like the animals who live underground. What’s that sound? I hear little hooves going trip, trap, trip, trap, over the rickety bridge. Watch out for the angry troll underneath. He likes to gobble up little girls and boys. Make sure your bridge is sturdy enough to take our weight and get us safely to the other side. And finally, meet three little pigs who need your help to build a strong fortress. Inside its strong walls, they’ll be safe from the big, bad wolf. No huffing and puffing will blow your fortress down. Click here for full coverage of the topic Y2 Spring 1 2024 Towers Curriculum Map

Autumn 2

This way or that way? Where should we go? Up to the local shops or down to the playing fields? Let’s learn about our local community, looking at houses old and new and finding out how our streets have changed since our mums and dads were young. Perhaps your granny or grandpa went to your school or maybe they worked in the baker’s shop? Make maps and plans of the streets around us, planning our routes. What can you see? What can we find? Whereabouts do you live? Do you know your address? Find out how to write instructions, directions, adverts and learn rhymes all about our community from different times. When the Lord Mayor writes and asks us to help make our street a better place, it’s time to get your thinking caps on and paintbrushes at the ready. Ready to roll, Street Detectives? Get your clipboards and cameras – it’s time to start investigating.

Street detectives Autumn 2 medium planning (1)

Autumn 1

Year 2 have started the year looking at pirates and treasure in the topic ‘Land Ahoy!’ Navigate, investigate and explore the world, just like Captain Cook. Make a boat, sink a ship, fly a pirate flag. Speak like a pirate, write like a poet, then weigh and measure a pirate’s booty. How do rescues happen at sea?  Sing a sea shanty whilst cleaning the poop deck, then search the school grounds for Captain Longbeard’s hidden treasure. There’s land ahead. Let’s get this ship to port. Please see link for more information of the curriculum map.

Pirates Autumn Term 1 Planning Year 2 Map (2)

As part of their ‘Land Ahoy’ topic, Year 2 spent the day at the Golden Hinde! They were able to uncover the history of pirates from Ancient Egypt to the present day with the amazing interactive map, then got a taste of the pirate’s life with a guided, hands-on exploration of The Golden Hinde.

The costumed educators brought history to life with replica handling sessions and role-play as pupils got the chance to join in and take part in the everyday tasks of being a pirate! 

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Thank you to all the parents who helped with the trip and make the experience such a memorable one.