Year 5


Here is the ‘Meet the Teacher’ information for Year 5: Meet-the-Teacher-year-5-Sept 2024

Here is the long term planning for Year 5 Long term plan Year 5

Please see the following for the end of year expectations for Year 5:

Year 5 Maths Expected Standard

Year 5 Maths Greater Depth

Year 5 Reading expected standard

Year 5 Reading Greater Depth

Year 5 Writing Working at Expected Standard

Year 5 Writing Working at Greater Depth


Here are the maths targets the Year 5 children are looking at completing in their ‘Maths Passports’: Maths Year 5 Targets

Useful Websites for Home Learning

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling Shed

MC Grammar Songs

Read Theory

Oxford Owl – Free ebooks


Spring 2

Journey through space, the final frontier. Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth. Programme a rover to traverse a lunar landscape and work scientifically to investigate gravity, and what happens when there is none. Compare the times of day at different places on the Earth and use GPS satellite navigation systems to track hidden treasure. Get in a spin making simple models of the Solar System and listen to the haunting sounds of space themed songs. Then it’s 3, 2, 1, blast off. Build and launch a rocket for an important test mission. Exploring space is probably the greatest adventure that humankind has ever undertaken.

Y5 Spring 2 Curriculum Map Stargazers

Spring 1

A bug, a creepy-crawly, a beast. He’ll tickle your skin then go in for the sting. Arachnids, insects, molluscs and myriapods, hiding in nooks and beneath darkened rocks. Come search for these minibeasts, and let’s sort them out. How many legs? How many wings? Who does it eat and who eats it? Can you classify it? Can you draw it or make it? Build a bug hotel or a wonderful wormery, then watch them wriggle and burrow, mixing earth as they go. Discover where in the world you’ll find the deadliest beasts. Perhaps the Vespa mandarinia japonica is the one that you fear? Why not become a beast creator? 

Y5 Spring 1 Curriculum Map Beast Creator

As part of their learning on Fractions, decimals and percentages Year 5 got the opportunity to take part in a very special maths workshop at the Royal Albert Hall. Linking directly to the Key Stage 2 curriculum, the75-minute workshop allowed students to explore fractions, decimals, percentages, graphs and probability in a unique and fun environment.  Our students left having created their own piece of music using maths and even got to hear it played at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Autumn 2

What sort of man would order the beheading of his wife? Was she really that bad? Travel back in time to the 1500s and meet the terrifying Tudors, a domineering dynasty that changed our history. Discover an opulent court where dancing and singing goes hand in hand with swift falls from favour, and even swifter falling of heads. Develop your painting skills in miniature, solve riddles and remember to protect your precious neck with a large white ruff, if you want to survive at Tudor court. Flex your detective muscles and become a criminal investigator. Will you find out the facts or will the evidence from the past bemuse you? How will you find the accused, innocent or guilty? It’s your turn to take part in one of the most famous trials that the world has ever known. 

Y5 The Tudors Autumn Term 2 Planning Year 5 Map

Autumn 1

Year 5 travel back in time to a land of pyramids and Pharaohs… Ancient Egypt. Year 5 will be showing their research skills and producing non-chronological reports on life in Ancient Egypt including things such as the mummification process, the importance of the River Nile and key events that occurred during the Ancient Egyptian civilization. Click the link below to see the overview of the topic and see all areas of the curriculum covered.

Year 5 had a great opportunity to go and visit the British Museum as part of their ‘Pharaohs’ Topic. The class found out about the Rosetta Stone, mummification, gods and goddesses and the Egyptian afterlife. We then got took part in the workshop ‘Excavation in Egypt’, we got to handle replica objects and discover the fascinating contents of an Egyptian tomb and how archaeologists work. In groups, students  investigated what these objects tell us about ancient Egyptians, their lives and beliefs.

Y5 Autumn 1 Pharaohs Curriculum Map