School Travel Plan
Junior Road Safety Officers and Modeshifters
At St. Theresa’s we take road safety and protecting our environment extremely seriously. That’s why we have a School Travel Working Group consisting of school governors, teachers, teaching assistants, parents, and very importantly our school children.
The School Working Group meets on a termly basis in order to complete a School Travel Plan for St. Theresa’s Catholic Primary School. The school travel plan is an official document that is written to improve road awareness and safety, and to increase sustainable travel at school.
Schools can be awarded a bronze, silver or gold award depending on how good the School Travel Plan is. In 2011 St. Theresa’s was awarded a BRONZE STAR (Sustainable Travel Accredited School) however this year, with all the hard work of the School Working Group, we achieved our first ever SILVER award.
Our Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) and our Modeshifters help to increase awareness in our school through a variety of ways. These include assemblies, discussions and competitions.
One of the best ways to improve our School Travel Plan is by walking, cycling or scooting to school. Even if you live far away you can park and stride. We can all do our bit to improve road safety and save our environment.